Terms Of Use

Terms of Use

Standard Terms of Service Effective March 23, 2023

These Terms of Service (this “Agreement”) are a binding contract between you and AI Wize, Inc. (“AI Wize,” “we,” or “us”). This Agreement governs your access to and use of the Services.

Please read this agreement carefully to ensure that you understand each provision. This agreement contains an arbitration agreement and a class action/jury trial waiver that require, unless you opt out pursuant to the instructions in section 11(b), the exclusive use of final and binding arbitration on an individual basis to resolve disputes between you and us, including any claims that arose or were asserted before you agreed to these terms. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you expressly waive your right to seek relief in a court of law and to have a jury trial on your claims, as well as your right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any class, collective, private attorney general or representative action or proceeding.

This agreement takes effect when you click the “I accept” button below or by accessing or using the services (the “effective date”). By clicking on the “I accept” button below or by accessing or using the services you (a) acknowledge that you have read and understand this agreement; (b) represent and warrant that you have the right, power, and authority to enter into this agreement and, if entering into this agreement for an organization, that you have the legal authority to bind that organization; and (c) accept this agreement and agree that you are legally bound by its terms.If you do not agree to these terms, please select the “I decline” button below or do not access or use the services. If you do not accept these terms, you may not access or use the services.

1. Definitions

“Aggregated Statistics” means data and information related to Customer’s use of the Services to be used by AI Wize in an aggregated and anonymized manner, including to compile statistical and performance information related to the provision and operation of the Services.

“Arbitration Agreement” means the mandatory individual arbitration provision in Section 11(b).

“Authorized User” means Customer’s employees, consultants, contractors, and agents (i) who are authorized by Customer to access and use the Services under the rights granted to Customer pursuant to this Agreement and (ii) for whom access to the Services has been purchased hereunder.

“Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver” means the class action/jury trial waiver provision in Section 11(c).

“Confidential Information” means information about either party’s business affairs, products, confidential intellectual property, trade secrets, third-party confidential information, and other sensitive or proprietary information, whether orally or in written, electronic, or other form or media/in written or electronic form or media, whether or not marked, designated, or otherwise identified as “confidential” at the time of disclosure. Confidential Information does not include information that, at the time of disclosure is: (a) in the public domain; (b) known to the receiving party; (c) rightfully obtained by the receiving party on a non-confidential basis from a third party; or (d) independently developed by the receiving party.

“Customer,” “you,” or “your” means you and your Authorized Users.

“Customer Account” means your account on the Services.

“Customer Content” means any content, including profile information, comments, questions, and other content in any form or medium, that is submitted, posted, displayed, transmitted, or otherwise made available on the Services by or on behalf of Customer or any other Authorized User. For the avoidance of doubt, output, copies, reproductions and other derivative works generated by your use of the Services as expressly permitted hereunder which are derived from Customer Content are themselves also Customer Content; provided, however, that Aggregated Statistics is not Customer Content.

“Documentation” means AI Wize’s user manuals, handbooks, guides, FAQs, instructional videos, relating to the Services provided by AI Wize to Customer electronically and relating to the Services.

“Feedback” means any communications or materials sent to us by mail, email, telephone, or otherwise, suggesting or recommending changes to the Services, including without limitation, new features or functionality relating thereto, or any comments, questions, suggestions, ideas, or the like, about the Services.

“Intellectual Property Rights” means all patent rights, copyright rights, mask work rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress and service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights as may now exist or hereafter come into existence, and all applications therefore and registrations, renewals and extensions thereof, under the laws of any state, country, territory or other jurisdiction.

“AI Wize IP” means the (i) Services, including all materials therein or transferred thereby, including, without limitation, software, images, text, graphics, illustrations, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, videos, and music, (ii) the Documentation, (iii) and all intellectual property provided to Customer or any other Authorized User in connection with the foregoing. For the avoidance of doubt, AI Wize IP includes Aggregated Statistics and any information, data, or other content derived from AI Wize’s monitoring of Customer’s access to or use of the Services, but does not include Customer Content.

“Privacy Policy” means the privacy policy.

“Services” means the online and/or mobile services, web site, and software provided on or in connection with the service provided by AI Wize under this Agreement.

“Third-Party Products” means any products, content, services, information, websites, or other materials that are owned by third parties and are incorporated into or accessible through the Services.

“User” or “Users” means all visitors, users, and others who access the Services.“User Accounts” means different types of accounts for different types of Users.

2. Access and Use

(a) Eligibility. This is a contract between you and AI Wize. You must read and agree to this Agreement before using the Services. If you do not agree, you may not use the Services. You may use the Services only if you can form a binding contract with AI Wize, and only in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations. Any use or access to the Services by anyone under 13 years old (or under 16 years old in Europe) is strictly prohibited and in violation of this Agreement. The Services are not available to any Users previously removed from the Services by AI Wize.(b) Provision of Access. Subject to and conditioned on your payment of Fees and compliance with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, AI Wize hereby grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, limited right to access and use the Services during the Term solely for your internal business operations by Authorized Users in accordance with the terms and conditions herein. AI Wize shall provide you the necessary passwords and access credentials to allow you to access the Services

.(c) Documentation License. Subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, AI Wize hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license for Authorized Users to use the Documentation during the Term solely for your internal business purposes in connection with use of the Services.

(d) Accounts. Your Customer Account gives you access to the services and functionality that we may establish and maintain from time to time and in our sole discretion. We may maintain other User Accounts. If you open a Customer Account on behalf of a company, organization, or other entity, then “you” includes you and that entity. By connecting to AI Wize with a third-party service, you give us permission to access and use your information from that service as permitted by that service, and to store your log-in credentials for that service.You may never use other Users’ User Accounts without permission. When creating your Customer Account, you must provide accurate and complete information, and you must keep this information up to date. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your Customer Account, and you must keep your Customer Account password secure. We encourage you to use “strong” passwords (passwords that use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols) with your Customer Account. You must notify AI Wize immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your Customer Account. AI Wize will not be liable for any losses caused by any unauthorized use of your Customer Account. You may control your Customer Account profile and how you interact with the Services by changing the settings in your settings page. By providing AI Wize your email address you consent to our using the email address to send you Services-related notices, including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail. We may also use your email address to send you other messages, such as changes to features of the Services and special offers. If you do not want to receive such email messages, you may opt out or change your preferences in your settings page. Opting out may prevent you from receiving email messages regarding updates, improvements, or offers.

(e) Use Restrictions. You shall not, and shall not permit any Authorized Users to engage in any of the following prohibited activities: (i) copying, distributing, selling, reselling, or disclosing any part of the Services in any medium, including without limitation by any automated or non-automated “scraping”; (ii) using any automated system, including without limitation “robots,” “spiders,” “offline readers,” etc., to access the Services in a manner that sends more request messages to the AI Wize servers than a human can reasonably produce in the same period of time by using a conventional on-line web browser (except that AI Wize grants the operators of public search engines revocable permission to use spiders to copy publicly available materials from the Services for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such materials); (iii) transmitting spam, chain letters, or other unsolicited email; (iv) attempting to interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Services; (v) taking any action that imposes, or may impose at our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (vi) uploading invalid data, viruses, worms, or other software agents through the Services; (vii) collecting or harvesting any personally identifiable information or other personal information, including account names, from the Services; (viii) using the Services for any commercial solicitation purposes; (ix) impersonating another person or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, conducting fraud, hiding or attempting to hide your identity; (x) interfering with the proper working of the Services; (xi) accessing any content on the Services through any technology or means other than those provided or authorized by the Services; or (xii) bypassing the measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Services, including without limitation features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or enforce limitations on use of the Services or the content therein.

(f) Aggregated Statistics. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, AI Wize may monitor Customer’s use of the Services and collect and compile Aggregated Statistics. As between AI Wize and Customer, all right, title, and interest in Aggregated Statistics, and all intellectual property rights therein, belong to and are retained solely by AI Wize. You acknowledge that AI Wize may compile Aggregated Statistics based on Customer Content input into the Services. You agree that AI Wize may (i) make Aggregated Statistics publicly available in compliance with applicable law, and (ii) use Aggregated Statistics to the extent and in the manner permitted under applicable law; provided that such Aggregated Statistics do not identify Customer or Customer’s Confidential Information.

(g) Reservation of Rights. AI Wize reserves all rights not expressly granted to Customer in this Agreement. Except for the limited rights and licenses expressly granted under this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement grants, by implication, waiver, estoppel, or otherwise, to Customer or any third party, any intellectual property rights or other right, title, or interest in or to the AI Wize IP.

(h) Suspension. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, AI Wize may, in its sole discretion and without notice, temporarily suspend or permanently terminate Customer’s and any other Authorized User’s access to any portion or all of the Services for no reason or for any reason, including but not limited to if: (i) AI Wize reasonably determines that (A) there is a threat or attack on any of the AI Wize IP; (B) Customer’s or any other Authorized User’s use of the AI Wize IP disrupts or poses a security risk to the AI Wize IP or to any other customer or vendor of AI Wize; (C) Customer or any other Authorized User is using the AI Wize IP for fraudulent or illegal activities; (D) subject to applicable law, Customer has ceased to continue its business in the ordinary course, made an assignment for the benefit of creditors or similar disposition of its assets, or become the subject of any bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or similar proceeding; or (E) AI Wize’s provision of the Services to Customer or any other Authorized User is prohibited by applicable law; (ii) any vendor of AI Wize has suspended or terminated AI Wize’s access to or use of any third-party services or products required to enable Customer to access the Services; or (iii) in accordance with Section 5.

‍(i) Changes to the Services. We may, without prior notice, change the Services; stop providing the Services or features of the Services, to you or to Users generally; or create usage limits for the Services. We may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your access to the Services without notice and liability for any reason, including if in our sole determination you violate any provision of this Agreement, or for no reason. Upon termination for any reason or no reason, you continue to be bound by this Agreement.

(j) Disputes with Other Users. You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Users. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor disputes between you and other Users. AI Wize shall have no liability for your interactions with other Users, or for any User’s action or inaction.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

(a) Customer Property. We claim no ownership rights over Customer Content created by you. The Customer Content you create remains yours. AI Wize has the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to remove any Customer Content that is shared via the Services. By submitting, posting, displaying, providing, or otherwise making available any Customer Content on or through the Services, you expressly grant, and you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, to AI Wize a royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, list information regarding, edit, translate, distribute, syndicate, publicly perform, publicly display, and make derivative works of all such Customer Content and your name, voice, and/or likeness as contained in your Customer Content, in whole or in part, and in any form, media or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, for use in connection with the Services and AI Wize’s (and its successors’ and affiliates’) business, including without limitation in connection with modifying, improving, and enhancing artificial intelligence models, as well as promoting and redistributing part or all of the Services (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. In connection with your Customer Content, you affirm, represent, warrant and covenant the following: (i) You have the written consent of each and every identifiable natural person in the Customer Content, if any, to use such person’s name or likeness in the manner contemplated by the Services and this Agreement, and each such person has released you from any liability that may arise in relation to such use; (ii) You have obtained and are solely responsible for obtaining all consents as may be required by law to post any Customer Content relating to third parties; (iii) Your Customer Content and AI Wize’s use thereof as contemplated by this Agreement and the Services will not violate any law or infringe any rights of any third party, including but not limited to any Intellectual Property Rights and privacy rights; (iv) AI Wize may exercise the rights to your Customer Content granted under this Agreement without liability for payment of any guild fees, residuals, payments, fees, or royalties payable under any collective bargaining agreement or otherwise; and (v) You will not post: nudity or other sexually suggestive content; hate speech, credible threats or direct attacks on an individual or group; content that contains self-harm or excessive violence; fake or impostor profiles; content for dissemination in electoral campaigns; content that encourages violence, terrorism, or other serious harm; illegal content or content in furtherance of illegal activities; malicious programs or code; any person’s personal information without their consent; and/or spam, machine-generated content, or bulk unsolicited messages.

AI Wize takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any Customer Content that you or any other User or third-party posts, sends, or otherwise makes available over the Services. You shall be solely responsible for your Customer Content and the consequences of posting, publishing it, sharing it, or otherwise making it available on the Services, and you agree that we are only acting as a passive conduit for your online distribution and publication of your Customer Content. You understand and agree that you may be exposed to Customer Content that is inaccurate, objectionable, inappropriate for children, or otherwise unsuited to your purpose, and you agree that Wayz shall not be liable for any damages you allege to incur as a result of or relating to any Customer Content.

(b) AI Wize Property. AI Wize IP and all Intellectual Property Rights related thereto are the exclusive property of AI Wize and its licensors (including other Users who post content to the Services). Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a license in or under any such Intellectual Property Rights, and you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit or create derivative works from any AI Wize IP. Use of the AI Wize IP for any purpose not expressly permitted by this Agreement is strictly prohibited. For the avoidance of doubt, AI Wize IP, Aggregated Statistics and any other information, data, or other content derived from AI Wize’s monitoring of your access to or use of the Services, but does not include Customer Content. In furtherance of the foregoing, you hereby unconditionally and irrevocably grant to AI Wize an assignment of all right, title, and interest in and to the Aggregated Statistics, including all Intellectual Property Rights relating thereto.

You may choose to or we may invite you to submit Feedback. By submitting any Feedback, you agree that your disclosure is gratuitous, unsolicited and without restriction and will not place AI Wize under any fiduciary or other obligation, and that we are free to use the Feedback without any additional compensation to you, and/or to disclose the Feedback on a non-confidential basis or otherwise to anyone. You further acknowledge that, by acceptance of your submission, AI Wize does not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas previously known to AI Wize, or developed by its employees, or obtained from sources other than you. If you or any of your employees, contractors, or agents sends or transmits Feedback, we are free to use such Feedback irrespective of any other obligation or limitation between you and us governing such Feedback. All Feedback is and will be treated as non-confidential. You hereby assign to us on your behalf, and shall cause your Authorized Users to assign, all right, title, and interest in, and we are free to use, without any attribution or compensation to you or any third party, any ideas, know-how, concepts, techniques, or other Intellectual Property Rights contained in the Feedback, for any purpose whatsoever, although we are not required to use any Feedback.

(c) DMCA Notice. Since we respect artist and content owner rights, it is AI Wize’s policy to respond to alleged infringement notices that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”).

If you believe that your copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and is accessible via the Services, please notify AI Wize’s copyright agent as set forth in the DMCA. For your complaint to be valid under the DMCA, you must provide the following information in writing: 1. An electronic or physical signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner; 2. Identification of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed; 3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing and where it is located on the Services; 4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit AI Wize to contact you, such as your address, telephone number, and, e-mail address; 5. A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or law; and 6. A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information is accurate, and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner. Please note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying AI Wize and its affiliates that your copyrighted material has been infringed. The preceding requirements are intended to comply with AI Wize’s rights and obligations under the DMCA, including 17 U.S.C. §512(c), but do not constitute legal advice. It may be advisable to contact an attorney regarding your rights and obligations under the DMCA and other applicable laws. In accordance with the DMCA and other applicable law, AI Wize has adopted a policy of terminating, in appropriate circumstances, Users who are deemed to be repeat infringers. AI Wize may also at its sole discretion limit access to the Services and/or terminate the User Accounts of any Users who infringe any intellectual property rights of others, whether or not there is any repeat infringement.

4. Customer Responsibilities

a) Acceptable Use Policy.

The Services may not be used for any of the following prohibited activities (collectively, the “AUP”): (i) copying, distributing, selling, reselling, or disclosing any part of the Services in any medium, including without limitation by any automated or non-automated “scraping”; (ii) using any automated system, including without limitation “robots,” “spiders,” “offline readers,” etc., to access the Services in a manner that sends more request messages to the AI Wize servers than a human can reasonably produce in the same period of time by using a conventional on-line web browser (except that AI Wize grants the operators of public search engines revocable permission to use spiders to copy publicly available materials from the Services for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such materials); (iii) transmitting spam, chain letters, or other unsolicited email; (iv) attempting to interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Services; (v) taking any action that imposes, or may impose at our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (vi) uploading invalid data, viruses, worms, or other software agents through the Services; (vii) collecting or harvesting any personally identifiable information or other personal information, including account names, from the Services; (viii) using the Services for any commercial solicitation purposes; (ix) impersonating another person or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, conducting fraud, hiding or attempting to hide your identity; (x) interfering with the proper working of the Services; (xi) accessing any content on the Services through any technology or means other than those provided or authorized by the Services; or (xii) bypassing the measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Services, including without limitation features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or enforce limitations on use of the Services or the content therein. You will comply with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and all guidelines, standards, and requirements.

‍(b) Account Use.

You are responsible and liable for all uses of the Services and Documentation resulting from access provided by you, directly or indirectly, whether such access or use is permitted by or in violation of this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you are responsible for all acts and omissions of Authorized Users, and any act or omission by an Authorized User that would constitute a breach of this Agreement if taken by you will be deemed a breach of this Agreement by you. You shall use reasonable efforts to make all Authorized Users aware of this Agreement’s provisions as applicable to such Authorized User’s use of the Services and shall cause Authorized Users to comply with such provisions.

‍(c) Passwords and Access Credentials.

You are responsible for keeping your passwords and access credentials associated with the Services confidential. You will not sell or transfer them to any other person or entity. You will promptly notify us about any unauthorized access to your passwords or access credentials.

(d) Third-Party Products. The Services may permit access to Third-Party Products. For purposes of this Agreement, such Third-Party Products are subject to their own terms and conditions presented to you for acceptance within the Services by website link or otherwise. If you do not agree to abide by the applicable terms for any such Third-Party Products, then you should not install, access, or use such Third-Party Products. AI Wize does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any such Third-Party Products. If you access a Third-Party Product from the Services or share your Customer Content on or through any third-party website or service, you do so at your own risk, and you understand that this Agreement and AI Wize’s Privacy Policy do not apply to your use of such sites. You expressly relieve AI Wize from any and all liability arising from your use of any Third-Party Products Third-Party Products, including without limitation Customer Content submitted by other Users. Additionally, your dealings with or participation in promotions of advertisers found on the Services, including payment and delivery of goods, and any other terms (such as warranties) are solely between you and such advertisers. You agree that AI Wize shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort relating to your dealings with such advertisers.

5. Fees and Payment

(a) Billing Policies. Certain aspects of the Services may be provided for a fee or other charge. If you elect to use paid aspects of the Services, you agree to our Pricing and Payment Terms available at www.AI Wize.ai/pricing, as we may update them from time to time. AI Wize may add new services for additional fees and charges, add or amend fees and charges for existing services, at any time in its sole discretion. Any change to our Pricing and Payment Terms shall become effective in the billing cycle following notice of such change to you as provided in this Agreement.

‍(b) No Refunds. You may cancel your Customer Account at any time; however, there are no refunds for cancellation. In the event that AI Wize suspends or terminates your Customer Account or this Agreement, you understand and agree that you shall receive no refund or exchange for any unused time on a subscription, any license or subscription fees for any portion of the Services, any content or data associated with your Customer Account, or for anything else.

‍(c) Free Trials. We or our third-party service providers may offer free trials to a particular Service. We or our third-party service provider will automatically bill your payment method on the later of the day your free trial ends or the day you start your paid subscription, and on each recurring billing date thereafter, subject to Section 5(d). You will not receive a notice that your free trial has ended and that payment for your subscription is due. If you wish to avoid charges to your payment method, you must cancel your subscription prior to midnight Pacific Standard Time on the last day of your free trial period. If you cancel your subscription during a free trial, cancellation may be effective immediately.

‍(d) Automatic Renewal of Subscription Fees.

‍If you sign up for a subscription, the corresponding fees at the rate as set forth in your user account and/or on the checkout page will automatically renew every month on a continuous basis unless and until you notify us that you want to cancel your subscription. Any notice of cancellation must be submitted on your settings page or in writing and sent to hey@ai wize.Ai and will be effective in the month following the month you provide us notice. You understand that unless and until you notify us of your cancellation, your subscription and all corresponding fees will automatically renew, and you authorize us or our authorized third-party payment provider (without notice to you, unless required by applicable law) to charge you the applicable subscription fees and any taxes, using any eligible payment method we have on record for you.

‍(e) Risk of Loss.

All products that may be purchased from or via the Services are transported and delivered to you by an independent carrier not affiliated with, or controlled by, AI Wize. Title to products purchased on the Services, as well as the risk of loss for such products, passes to you when AI Wize or our supplier delivers these items to the carrier.

‍(f) Payment Information; Taxes.

We accept various payment methods through Stripe, including, without limitation, Mastercard, Visa, and American Express. By using the Services, you agree to be bound by Stripe’s Services Agreement available at https://stripe.com/us/legal. All information that you provide in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with the Services must be accurate, complete, and current. You agree to pay all charges incurred by users of your credit card, debit card, or other payment method used in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with the Services at the prices in effect when such charges are incurred. You will pay any applicable taxes, if any, relating to any such purchases, transactions or other monetary transaction interactions.

‍6. Confidential Information

‍From time to time, AI Wize and Customer may disclose or make available to the other party Confidential Information. The receiving party shall not disclose the disclosing party’s Confidential Information to any person or entity, except to the receiving party’s employees who have a need to know the Confidential Information for the receiving party to exercise its rights or perform its obligations hereunder and who are required to protect the Confidential Information in a manner no less stringent than required under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party may disclose Confidential Information to the limited extent required (i) to comply with the order of a court or other governmental body, or as otherwise necessary to comply with applicable law, provided that the party making the disclosure pursuant to the order shall first have given written notice to the other party and made a reasonable effort to obtain a protective order; or (ii) to establish a party’s rights under this Agreement, including to make required court filings. Each party’s obligations of non-disclosure with regard to Confidential Information are effective as of the date such Confidential Information is first disclosed to the receiving party and will expire five years thereafter; provided, however, with respect to any Confidential Information that constitutes a trade secret (as determined under applicable law), such obligations of non-disclosure will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for as long as such Confidential Information remains subject to trade secret protection under applicable law.AI Wize cares about the integrity and security of your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat our security measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. You acknowledge that you provide your personal information at your own risk.

‍7. Privacy Policy

‍AI Wize complies with its Privacy Policy in providing the Services. The Privacy Policy is subject to change as described therein. By accessing, using, and providing information to or through the Services, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and accepted our Privacy Policy, and you consent to all actions taken by us with respect to your information in compliance with the then-current version of our Privacy Policy.

‍8. Warranty Disclaimer

The services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Use of the services is at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the services are provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from AI Wize or through the services will create any warranty not expressly stated herein. Without limiting the foregoing, AI Wize, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, and its licensors do not warrant that the content is accurate, reliable or correct; that the services will meet your requirements; that the services will be available at any particular time or location, uninterrupted or secure; that any defects or errors will be corrected; or that the services are free of viruses or other harmful components. Any content resulting from, or downloaded or otherwise obtained through, the use of the services is downloaded and used at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any liability arising therefrom to the extent not expressly set forth otherwise herein, including any damage to your computer system or mobile device or loss of data that results from such download or your use of the services. Further, AI Wize does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any product or service advertised or offered by a third party through the services or any hyperlinked website or service, and AI Wize will not be a party to or in any way monitor any transaction between you and third-party providers of products or services. Federal law, some states, provinces and other jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion and limitations of certain implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. This agreement gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. The disclaimers and exclusions under this agreement will not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.

‍9. Indemnification

‍Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless AI Wize and its subsidiaries, agents, licensors, managers, and other affiliated companies, and their employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees) arising from: (i) Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users’ use of and access to the Services, including any data or content transmitted or received by Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users; (ii) Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users’ violation of any term of this Agreement, including without limitation Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users’ breach of any of the representations and warranties above; (iii) Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users’ violation of any third-party right, including without limitation any right of privacy or Intellectual Property Rights; (iv) Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users’ violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation; (v) Customer Content or any content that is submitted via Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users’ User Account including without limitation misleading, false, or inaccurate information; (vi) Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users’ willful misconduct; or (vii) any other party’s access and use of the Services with Customer or Customer’s Authorized Users’ unique username, password or other appropriate security code.

‍10. Limitations of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will AI Wize be liable under or in connection with this agreement under any legal or equitable theory, including breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise, for any: (a) consequential, incidental, indirect, exemplary, special, enhanced, or punitive damages; (b) increased costs, diminution in value or lost business, production, revenues, or profits; (c) loss of goodwill or reputation; (d) use, inability to use, loss, interruption, delay or recovery of any data, or breach of data or system security; or (e) cost of replacement goods or services, in each case regardless of whether AI Wize was advised of the possibility of such losses or damages or such losses or damages were otherwise foreseeable. Under no circumstances will AI Wize be responsible for any damage, loss or injury resulting from hacking, tampering or other unauthorized access or use of the services or your account or the information contained therein. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, AI Wize assumes no liability or responsibility for any (I) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content; (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to or use of the services; (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information stored therein; (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the services; (v) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like that may be transmitted to or through the services by any third party; (vi) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available through the services; and/or (vii) customer content or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party. In no event will AI Wize, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, suppliers, or licensors’ aggregate liability arising out of or related to this agreement under any legal or equitable theory, including breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise exceed the total amounts paid to AI Wize under this agreement in the twelve (12) month period preceding the event giving rise to the claim or $50.00, whichever is greater. This limitation of liability section applies whether the alleged liability is based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other basis, even if AI Wize has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This agreement gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. The disclaimers, exclusions, and limitations of liability under this agreement will not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.

‍11. Governing Law, Arbitration, and Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver

(a) Governing Law.

‍You agree that: (i) the Services shall be deemed solely based in Delaware; and (ii) the Services shall be deemed a passive one that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over us, either specific or general, in jurisdictions other than Delaware. This Agreement shall be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of Delaware, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce. Notwithstanding the preceding sentences with respect to the substantive law, the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16) (“FAA”) governs the interpretation and enforcement of the Arbitration Agreement in Section 11(b) and preempts all state laws to the fullest extent permitted by law. If the FAA is found to not apply to any issue that arises from or relates to the Arbitration Agreement, then that issue shall be resolved under and governed by the law of your state of residence. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. You agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in Delaware for any actions for which we retain the right to seek injunctive or other equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction to prevent the actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation or violation of a our copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, or other intellectual property or proprietary rights, as set forth in the Arbitration provision below, including any provisional relief required to prevent irreparable harm. You agree that Delaware is the proper and exclusive forum for any appeals of an arbitration award or for trial court proceedings in the event that the arbitration provision below is found to be unenforceable.(b) Arbitration.

Read this Section carefully because it requires the parties to arbitrate their disputes and limits the manner in which you can seek relief from AI Wize. This Arbitration Agreement applies to and governs any dispute, controversy, or claim between you and AI Wize that arises out of or relates to, directly or indirectly: (a) this Agreement, including the formation, existence, breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation, validity, or enforceability thereof; (b) access to or use of the Services, including receipt of any advertising or marketing communications; (c) any transactions through, by, or using the Services; or (d) any other aspect of your relationship or transactions with AI Wize, directly or indirectly, as a consumer (“Claim” or collectively, “Claims”). The Arbitration Agreement shall apply, without limitation, to all Claims that arose or were asserted before or after your agreement to this Agreement.If you are a new AI Wize user, you can reject and opt-out of this Arbitration Agreement within 30 days of accepting this Agreement by emailing AI Wize at hey@AI Wize.ai with your first and last name and stating your intent to opt-out of the Arbitration Agreement. Note that opting out of this Arbitration Agreement does not affect any other part of this Agreement, including the provisions regarding controlling law or in which courts any disputes must be brought.For any Claim, you agree to first contact us at hey@AI Wize.ai and attempt to resolve the dispute with us informally. In the unlikely event that AI Wize has not been able to resolve a Claim after sixty (60) days, we each agree to resolve any Claim exclusively through binding arbitration by AAA before a single arbitrator (the “Arbitrator”), under the Expedited Procedures then in effect for AAA (the “Rules”), except as provided herein. In the event of any conflict between the Rules and this Arbitration Agreement, this Arbitration Agreement shall control. AAA may be contacted at www.adr.org, where the Rules are also available. The arbitration will be conducted in the U.S. county where you live or Delaware, unless you and AI Wize agree otherwise. If you are using the Services for commercial purposes, each party will be responsible for paying any AAA filing, administrative and arbitrator fees in accordance with AAA rules, and the award rendered by the arbitrator shall include costs of arbitration, reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses. If you are an individual using the Services for non-commercial purposes: (i) AAA may require you to pay a fee for the initiation of your case, unless you apply for and successfully obtain a fee waiver from AAA; (ii) the award rendered by the arbitrator may include your costs of arbitration, your reasonable attorney’s fees, and your reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses; and (iii) you may sue in a small claims court of competent jurisdiction without first engaging in arbitration, but this does not absolve you of your commitment to engage in the informal dispute resolution process. Any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. You and AI Wize agree that the Arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any disputes relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this Arbitration Agreement, including any claim that all or any part of this Arbitration Agreement is void or voidable. The Arbitrator shall also be responsible for determining all threshold arbitrability issues, including issues relating to whether the Agreement, any provision of the Agreement, is unconscionable or illusory and any defense to arbitration, including waiver, delay, laches, unconscionability, or estoppel.Nothing in this Section shall be deemed as: preventing AI Wize from seeking injunctive or other equitable relief from the courts as necessary to prevent the actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation, or violation of our data security, Intellectual Property Rights or other proprietary rights; or preventing you from asserting claims in small claims court, if your claims qualify and so long as the matter remains in such court and advances on only an individual (non-class, non-representative) basis. If this Arbitration Agreement is found to be void, unenforceable, or unlawful, in whole or in part, the void, unenforceable, or unlawful provision, in whole or in part, shall be severed. Severance of the void, unenforceable, or unlawful provision, in whole or in part, shall have no impact on the remaining provisions of the Arbitration Agreement, which shall remain in force, or the parties’ ability to compel arbitration of any remaining claims on an individual basis pursuant to the Arbitration Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver is found to be void, unenforceable, or unlawful, in whole or in part, because it would prevent you from seeking public injunctive relief, then any dispute regarding the entitlement to such relief (and only that relief) must be severed from arbitration and may be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction. All other claims for relief subject to arbitration under this Arbitration Agreement shall be arbitrated under its terms, and the parties agree that litigation of any dispute regarding the entitlement to public injunctive relief shall be stayed pending the outcome of any individual claims in arbitration.

‍(c) Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver.

With respect to all persons and entities, regardless of whether they have obtained or used the services for personal, commercial or other purposes, all claims must be brought in the parties’ individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action, collective action, private attorney general action or other representative proceeding. This waiver applies to class arbitration, and, unless we agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims. You and AI Wize agree that the arbitrator may award relief only to an individual claimant and only to the extent necessary to provide relief on your individual claim(s). Any relief awarded may not affect other AI Wize users. You and AI Wize further agree that, by entering into this agreement, you and AI Wize are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to bring, join, or participate in a class action, collective action, private attorney general action, or other representative proceeding of any kind as a plaintiff or class member.

12. Miscellaneous

(a) Entire Agreement/Severability. This Agreement, together with any amendments and any additional agreements you may enter into with AI Wize in connection with the Services, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and AI Wize concerning the Services. Except as otherwise stated in Section 11(b), if any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision herein does not affect any other provision herein or the validity, legality, or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.(b) Modifications. You acknowledge and agree that we have the right, in our sole discretion, to modify this Agreement from time to time, and that modified terms become effective on posting. We will notify you of material modifications through direct email or visible banner in the Services. You are responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any such modifications. Your continued use of the Services after the effective date of the modifications will be deemed acceptance of the modified terms. AI Wize will provide at least 30 days’ advance notice of changes to any service level that AI Wize reasonably anticipates may result in a material reduction in quality or services.(c) Export Regulation. The Services utilize software and technology that may be subject to US export control laws, including the US Export Administration Act and its associated regulations. You shall not, directly or indirectly, export, re-export, or release the Services or the software or technology included in the Services to, or make the Services or the software or technology included in the Services accessible from, any jurisdiction or country to which export, re-export, or release is prohibited by law, regulation, or rule. You shall comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations, and rules, and complete all required undertakings (including obtaining any necessary export license or other governmental approval), prior to exporting, re-exporting, releasing, or otherwise making the Services or the software or technology included in the Services available outside the US.(d) US Government Rights. Each of the software components that constitute the Services and the Documentation is a “commercial product” as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. § 2.101, consisting of “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation” as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. § 12.212. Accordingly, if you are an agency of the US Government or any contractor therefor, you receive only those rights with respect to the Services and Documentation as are granted to all other end users, in accordance with (a) 48 C.F.R. § 227.7201 through 48 C.F.R. § 227.7204, with respect to the Department of Defense and their contractors, or (b) 48 C.F.R. § 12.212, with respect to all other US Government customers and their contractors(e) No Waiver. No waiver of any term of this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and AI Wize’s failure to assert any right or provision under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Any failure to act by us with respect to a breach of this Agreement by you or others does not constitute a waiver and will not limit our rights with respect to such breach or any subsequent breaches.(f) Notices. Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, any notices to us must be sent to our corporate headquarters at 3001 Bee Caves Road, Suite 100 B, Rollingwood, TX 78746 and must be delivered either in person, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, or by recognized overnight courier service, and are deemed given upon receipt by us. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you hereby consent to receiving electronic communications from us. AI Wize may provide notifications, whether such notifications are required by law or are for marketing or other business-related purposes, to you via email notice, written or hard copy notice, or through posting of such notice on our website, as determined by AI Wize in our sole discretion. AI Wize reserves the right to determine the form and means of providing notifications to our Users, provided that you may opt out of certain means of notification as described in this Agreement. AI Wize is not responsible for any automatic filtering you or your network provider may apply to email notifications we send to the email address you provide us. You agree that any notices, agreements, disclosures, or other communications that we send to you electronically will satisfy any legal communication requirements, including that such communications be in writing.

‍(g) Assignment.

This Agreement, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, is personal to you and may not be assigned or transferred for any reason whatsoever without our prior written consent and any action or conduct in violation of the foregoing will be void and without effect. We expressly reserve the right to assign this Agreement and to delegate any of its obligations hereunder. Please contact us at legal@AI Wize.ai with any questions regarding this Agreement. Software as a service agreement. This software as a service agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into as of the Effective Date, by and between you (the “Customer”) and AI Wize AI, Inc. (“AI Wize”) a Delaware corporation with offices at 3001 Bee Caves Road, Suite 100 B, Rollingwood, TX 78746. AI Wize and Customer may be referred to herein collectively as the “Parties” or individually as a “Party.” The Parties agree as follows:

‍1. Definitions

“Affiliate” of a Party means any entity that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Party. For purposes of this definition, the “control” of an entity means the direct or indirect ownership or control of more than 50% of the voting interests of such entity. “Beta Services” means the features and/or functionality of the Services that may be made available to Customer to try at its option at no additional charge and which are clearly designated as beta, pilot, limited release, non-production, early access, evaluation, labs or by a similar description. “Confidential Information” means all confidential and proprietary information of a Party (“Disclosing Party”) disclosed to the other Party (“Receiving Party”), whether orally or in writing, that is either marked or designated as confidential at the time of disclosure to the Receiving Party, or that a reasonable person should consider confidential or proprietary given the nature of the information and the circumstances under which it is disclosed. AI Wize’s Confidential Information shall include the AI Wize Property and the terms of all Order Forms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include any information that the Receiving Party can show: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party; (ii) was known to the Receiving Party prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (iii) was independently developed by the Receiving Party without reference to any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party (excluding patentable subject matter which is not subject to this exclusion); or (iv) is received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party.“Customer Property” means any content (including text, images, illustrations, charts, tables and other materials) supplied by Customer to AI Wize, either directly through the Service or indirectly through the integration with a Third Party Product.“Documentation” means all documentation and other instructional material made available by AI Wize regarding the use of the Services.“Effective Date” means the effective date of the applicable Order Form you have signed with AI Wize.

“AI Wize Property” means (i) the Services, (ii) the Documentation, and (iii) all content and other materials and software supplied by AI Wize in connection with, or used by AI Wize in providing, any Services.

“Order Form” means an ordering document for Services purchased from AI Wize that has been executed hereunder by the Parties and that references this Agreeement.

“Output” means the output generated and returned by the Services based on the inputs to the Services provided by Customer and its Users. For the avoidance of doubt, “Services” shall not be deemed to include the Output.

“Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’) where an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to their physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

“Processing/to Process/Processed” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, or erasure or destruction.

“Subprocessor” means any third-party data processor engaged by AI Wize, including AI Wize’s Affiliates, that receives Customer Property from AI Wize for Processing on behalf of Customer and in accordance with Customer’s instructions (as communicated by AI Wize) and the terms of its written subcontract.

“Services” means the software services and platform provided by AI Wize, including (i) the web and other user interfaces, applications, and software provided to Users, and (ii) any modifications, updates, derivative works, optional modules, custom or standard enhancements, updates, and upgrades to or of any of the foregoing.

“Subscription Term” means the subscription period set forth in the applicable Order Form during which AI Wize agrees to provide the Services to Customer.

“Third Party Products” means certain third-party applications, systems, or services used by Customer, but not supplied by AI Wize, that are designed to interoperate with the Services (for example, third-party ticketing and email services from which the Services can import Customer Property).“Users” means all users that are authorized to access Customer’s account on the Services.

‍2. Services

a. Provision of Services. Subject to the payment of all applicable Fees and for the applicable Subscription Term, AI Wize hereby grants to Customer a non-sublicensable, non-transferable, non-exclusive right to access and use the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the applicable Order Form. b. Platform Guidelines. Customer hereby acknowledges that it will at all times comply with, and ensure that all of its Users comply with, the platform guidelines available at www.AI Wize.ai/legal/platform-guidelines, which are incorporated by reference herein (the “Platform Guidelines”)

3. Fees and Payment

a. Fees. Customer will pay AI Wize all fees specified in or otherwise incurred pursuant to an Order Form (“Fees”) in accordance with this Section 3 and the applicable Order Form. If Customer adds additional Services during a Subscription Term (a “Subscription Upgrade”), any incremental Fees associated with such Subscription Upgrade will be prorated over the remaining period of the then-current Subscription Term and charged to Customer and due and payable in accordance with Section 3(b). In addition, unless otherwise set forth in an Order Form, Customer will be deemed to have executed a Subscription Upgrade with AI Wize if its usage of the Services exceeds the previously purchased usage levels. In any renewal Subscription Term of such Order Form, the Fees will reflect any such Subscription Upgrades. Fees are quoted and payable in United States dollars. Payment obligations are non-cancellable and Fees paid are non-refundable, except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement.

b. Invoices and Payment. By providing a credit card or other payment method accepted by AI Wize (“Payment Method”) for the Services, Customer agrees that AI Wize is authorized to charge to the elected Payment Method all applicable Fees when due, and any other charges Customer may incur in connection with Customer’s use of the Services. For all purchased Services, the Payment Method will be charged on a monthly basis or at the interval indicated in the applicable Order Form. If AI Wize does not collect a Payment Method from Customer at the time of purchase, AI Wize will invoice Customer for the charges at the email address on file with AI Wize. Customer will pay all invoiced amounts within thirty (30) calendar days of the invoice date. Unless otherwise specified in an Order Form, Customer will pay all Fees on an annual, prepaid basis. Overdue invoices are subject to a finance charge of 1.5% per month or the maximum permitted by law, whichever is lower, plus all expenses of collection.c. Taxes. Customer is solely responsible for the payment of all taxes, assessments, tariffs, duties, or other fees imposed, assessed, or collected by or under the authority of any governmental body arising from AI Wize’s provision of the Services hereunder (collectively, “Taxes”), except any taxes assessed upon AI Wize’s net income. If AI Wize is required to directly pay Taxes related to Customer’s use or receipt of any Services, Customer agrees to promptly reimburse AI Wize for any amounts paid by AI Wize.d. Credits. AI Wize may, at its sole discretion, choose to offer credits for the Services in various ways, including but not limited to, coupons, promotional campaigns, and referrals for AI Wize’s services such as training. AI Wize reserves the right to award credits at its sole discretion. Credits have no monetary or cash value and can only be used by Customer to offset Customer’s subsequent payments of Fees for the Services. Credits may only be applied to Fees due for the Services specifically identified by AI Wize when issuing the credit. Credits can only be used by Customer and are non-transferable. To the extent that Customer has been awarded credits, unless the instrument (including any coupon) states an earlier expiration date, credits shall expire and no longer be redeemable twelve (12) months from the date the credit was issued.

‍4. Intellectual Property Ownership

‍a. Customer Property. As between Customer and AI Wize, Customer retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the Customer Property, including all patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other intellectual property rights embodied in or related to the Customer Property. Except as expressly set out in this Agreement, no right, title, or license under any Customer Property is granted to AI Wize or implied hereby, and for any Customer Property that is licensed to AI Wize, no title or ownership rights are transferred to AI Wize with such license. b. AI Wize Property. As between AI Wize and Customer, AI Wize retains all right, title, and interest in and to the AI Wize Property, including all patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, or other intellectual property rights embodied in or related to the AI Wize Property. Except as expressly set out in this Agreement, no right, title, or license under any AI Wize Property is granted to Customer or implied hereby, and for any AI Wize Property that is licensed to Customer, no title or ownership rights are transferred to Customer with such license. c. Licenses to AI Wize. Customer hereby grants AI Wize a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except in connection with the permitted assignment of this Agreement or to ), and royalty-free license to access and use the Customer Property made available to AI Wize or any of its Affiliates, solely as necessary for AI Wize to (i) provide the Services to Customer pursuant to this Agreement, and (ii) train the artificial intelligence models developed by AI Wize and its third-party service providers to provide the Services, including sharing select portions of Customer Property to third-party contractors (subject to confidentiality and security obligations at least as restrictive as this Agreement, with AI Wize being responsible for all actions and omissions of such contractors), provided, however, that such Customer Property used for this purpose must be aggregated and de-identified so that it cannot identify Customer or its Users. Additionally, Customer grants AI Wize a non-exclusive, revocable license to use Customer’s trademarks and logos to identify Customer as a subscriber of the Services; provided that, Customer may revoke such consent at any time in its sole discretion. By submitting to AI Wize any unsolicited suggestions, enhancement requests, comments, feedback, or other input relating to the Services ("Feedback"), Customer and its Users (as applicable) grant to AI Wize a royalty-free, worldwide, transferable, sublicensable, irrevocable, perpetual license to use or incorporate such Feedback into the Services in any manner.d. License to Customer. AI Wize hereby grants Customer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except in connection with the permitted assignment of this Agreement), and royalty-free license to access and use the Output made available to Customers or any of its Affiliates, solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement

5. Data Privacy and Security

a. Hosting and Processing. Unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing by AI Wize, Customer Property may be hosted by AI Wize or its Affiliates, or their respective authorized third-party service providers, in the United States, the European Economic Area (“EEA”), or the United Kingdom. b. Transfer of Personal Data. To the extent that Personal Data within the Customer Property originates from a User or End-User in the EEA, as further described in the DPA, AI Wize will ensure that, pursuant to (i) the EU Regulation 2016/679 and any applicable national laws made under it; and (ii) the Swiss Federal Act of 19 June 1992 on Data Protection (as may be amended or superseded), if Personal Data within Customer Property is transferred to a country or territory outside of the EEA (a “non-EEA country”), then such transfer will only take place if: (i) the non-EEA country in question ensures an adequate level of data protection based on a decision by the European Commission; (ii) one of the conditions listed in Article 46 or 49 of the GDPR (or its equivalent under any successor legislation) is satisfied; or (iii) the Personal Data is transferred on the basis of binding corporate rules. c. Data Processing Agreement. The Data Processing Agreement with AI Wize (“DPA”) is accessible for review at AI Wize.ai/legal/dpa. Upon execution of an Order Form by Customer, the DPA shall be fully incorporated by reference in, and become a part of, this Agreement.d. Subprocessors. Customer acknowledges and agrees that AI Wize may use Subprocessors, who may access Customer Property, to provide, secure and improve the Services. AI Wize shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its Subprocessors to the same extent that AI Wize would be responsible if AI Wize was performing the services of each Subprocessor directly under the terms of this Agreement. A list of all Subprocessors can be found here: https://www.AI Wize.ai/legal/sub-processors.e. In-Product Cookies. Whenever Customers or Users interact with the Services, AI Wize uses First Party Cookies to collect information to ensure Customers and Users can securely, quickly and reliably use the Services, and AI Wize’s In-Product Cookie Policy applies. When AI Wize collects this information, it only uses this data to (i) provide the Services, or (ii) in aggregate form, and not in a manner that would identify the Customers or Users personally.f. Information Security Requirements. AI Wize will maintain an information security program (including the adoption and enforcement of internal policies and procedures) designed to (a) secure the Services and Customer Property against accidental or unlawful loss, access, or disclosure, (b) identify reasonably foreseeable and internal risks to security and unauthorized access, and (c) minimize security risks, including through risk assessment and regular testing. As part of this information security program, AI Wize shall implement the security measures available at www.AI Wize.ai/legal/security.

‍6. Confidentiality

a. Confidentiality. During the term of this Agreement and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, each Party agrees to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information of the other Party in the same manner that it protects the confidentiality of its own proprietary and confidential information of a like kind; provided that a Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party with Disclosing Party’s consent or to its Affiliates, officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, agents or prospective financing sources or acquirers who need to know such information in connection with this Agreement and who are bound by written agreements requiring the protection of such Confidential Information. This Section 6 shall supersede any non-disclosure agreement by and between Customer and AI Wize entered prior to the Effective Date that would purport to address the confidentiality of Confidential Information and such agreement shall have no further force or effect with respect to either Party’s Confidential Information.b. Compelled Disclosure. If the Receiving Party is compelled by law to disclose Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, it shall provide the Disclosing Party with prior notice of such compelled disclosure (to the extent legally permitted) and reasonable assistance, at Disclosing Party's cost, if the Disclosing Party wishes to contest the disclosure.c. Return of Confidential Information. At any time upon the request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party will destroy all Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, including all copies thereof and notes and other materials incorporating such Confidential Information, whether in physical or electronic form; provided, however, (x) AI Wize, as Receiving Party, shall not be required to delete any Customer Confidential Information that is licensed to AI Wize pursuant to Section 4(c)(ii) so long as it is aggregated and de-identified so that it cannot identify Customer or its Users; and (y) the Receiving Party shall not be required to return or destroy electronic copies that are automatically stored in accordance with Receiving Party’s generally applicable backup policies and which are not reasonably accessible by the Receiving Party (“Backup Media”). All Backup Media shall remain subject to the confidentiality obligations set forth herein, notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this Agreement, so long as it remains undeleted. d. Remedies. If the Receiving Party discloses or uses (or threatens to disclose or use) any Confidential Information in breach of this Section 6, the Disclosing Party shall have the right, in addition to any other remedies available to it, to seek injunctive relief to enjoin such acts, it being specifically acknowledged by the Parties that any other available remedies are inadequate.

‍7. Warranties; Disclaimers

a. Mutual Warranties. Each Party represents and warrants that it has the legal power and authority to enter into this Agreement. b. AI Wize Warranties. AI Wize warrants to Customer that the Services purchased by Customer will, in all material respects, perform in accordance with the applicable portions of the Documentation. This warranty shall not apply to non-conformities, errors, or problems caused by acts within the control of Customer or any of its Users, or arising from Customer’s negligence or improper use of the Services, from unauthorized modifications made to the Services, from use of the Services in an unsupported operating environment or manner, or that arises from Customer’s or any third party’s software or systems (including Third Party Products). c. Customer Warranties. Customer warrants that it will not use the Services for unlawful purposes or in a manner that infringes or otherwise violates the rights of any third party.d. Disclaimer. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law but except as expressly set forth in this agreement, (1) the services are provided “as-is”; (2) neither party makes any additional warranty, condition, representation, undertaking or guaranty of any kind to the other party, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, (3) each party hereby specifically disclaims all implied warranties, conditions, representations, undertakings and guaranties, including, without limitation, any with respect to title, merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose, and (4) AI Wize’s liability under any implied or statutory warranty, condition, representation, undertaking or guaranty which cannot be legally excluded is limited in respect of the services to supplying the services again or paying the cost of supplying the services again. In addition, AI Wize does not guarantee there will be no loss or corruption of customer property stored by AI Wize. Customer agrees to maintain a complete and accurate copy of all customer property in a location independent of the services. e. Beta Services. AI Wize may make Beta Services available to Customer at no charge, and Customer may choose to try such Beta Services at its sole discretion. Beta Services are intended for evaluation purposes and not for production use, are not supported, and may be subject to additional terms that will be presented to Customer. Beta Services are not considered “Services” under this Agreement for purposes of Section 7 (Warranties; Disclaimer) and Sections 8(a) (Indemnification by AI Wize); however, all restrictions, AI Wize’s reservation of rights, Customer’s obligations concerning the Services, and Customer’s use of any Third Party Products shall apply equally to Customer’s use of Beta Services. Unless otherwise stated, any Beta Services trial period will expire upon the earlier of one year from the trial start date or the date otherwise specified in writing by AI Wize. AI Wize may discontinue Beta Services at any time in its sole discretion and may never make them generally available. Beta Services are provided “AS IS'' with no express or implied warranty and are outside the scope of AI Wize’s indemnification obligations.

8. Indemnification

a. Indemnification by AI Wize. AI Wize will defend and pay Customer, its employees, directors and officers (the “Customer Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all costs, damages and expenses (collectively, “Losses”), suffered or incurred by any Customer Indemnified Party, as a result of any claim brought by a third party (“Third Party Claim”) against a Customer Indemnified Party alleging that the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement infringes any patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret right of such third party (an “Infringement Claim”). Without limiting the foregoing, in the event that any portion of the Services is likely to, in AI Wize’s sole opinion, or does become the subject of an Infringement Claim, AI Wize may, at its option and expense: (i) procure for Customer the right to continue using the allegedly infringing item, (ii) substitute a functionally equivalent non-infringing replacement for such item, (iii) modify such item to make it non-infringing and functionally equivalent, or (iv) terminate the Agreement and any outstanding Order Forms and refund to Customer prepaid unused Fees for the infringing items. AI Wize shall have no liability for any Infringement Claim to the extent arising from: (1) Customer’s use or supply to AI Wize of any Customer Property; (2) use of the Services in combination with any software, hardware, network, or system not supplied by AI Wize if the alleged infringement relates to such combination; (3) any modification or alteration of the Services (other than by AI Wize); (4) the Output; or (5) Customer’s violation of applicable law or third party rights.b. Indemnification by Customer. Customer will defend and pay AI Wize, its employees, directors and officers (the “AI Wize Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all Losses, suffered or incurred by any AI Wize Indemnified Party, arising from any Third Party Claim against a AI Wize Indemnified Party (i) alleging that any Customer Property or Customer’s use of the Services beyond the license granted in this Agreement infringes, violates or misappropriates any patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret right of any third party or (ii) arising from Customer’s breach of the Platform Guidelines.c. Indemnification Conditions. The Parties’ obligations under this Section 8 are contingent upon the indemnified party (i) giving prompt written notice to the indemnifying party of any claim subject to indemnification under this Section 8, (ii) giving the indemnifying party sole control of the defense or settlement of the claim, and (iii) cooperating in the investigation and defense of such claim(s). The indemnifying party shall not settle or consent to an adverse judgment in any such claim that adversely affects the rights or interests of the indemnified party without the prior express written consent of the indemnified party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The rights and remedies set forth in this Section 8 are the sole obligations of the indemnifying party and exclusive remedies available to the indemnified party in the event of an applicable Third Party Claim.

‍9. Limitation of Liability

a. Limitation of Liability. Except for claims under sections 6 and 8, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall either party's aggregate liability arising out of or related to this agreement, whether in contract, tort or under any other theory of liability exceed the amounts actually paid by and amounts accrued but not yet paid from customer hereunder during the twelve (12) months prior to the date on which such claim or cause of action arose. The foregoing limitation applies even if a party’s remedies under this agreement fail of their essential purpose. C. Exclusion of consequential and related damages. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall either party have any liability to the other party or to any third party for any lost profits, loss of use or data, costs of procurement of substitute goods or services, or for any other indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages however caused and, whether in contract, tort or under any other theory of liability, whether or not the party has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Neither party shall be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience suffered by the other party or by any third person, to the extent that such loss, damage, or inconvenience is caused by the failure of the other party to comply with its obligations under this agreement.

‍10. Term and Termination

a. Term of Agreement. This Agreement commences on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect until terminated in accordance with Section 10(c).b. Term of Subscriptions. Customer’s access to the purchased Services shall commence on the start date specified in the relevant Order Form and continue for the Subscription Term specified on such Order Form. At the expiration of each Subscription Term, the Subscription Term for all purchased Services will automatically renew for the same period as the renewing Subscription Term, unless either Party elects to not renew by notifying the other Party in writing at least 60 days before such renewal (or at anytime before the renewal date, if the expiring Order Form provides for a month-to-month subscription). Except as otherwise specified in a written notice sent to Customer at least 60 days prior to a renewal (or 30 days, if the expiring Order Form provides for a month-to-month subscription), AI Wize’s per-unit pricing for any renewal Subscription Term shall not increase by more than the greater of (i) five percent (5%) or (ii) the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), in each case, over the renewing Subscription Term. Any introductory or temporary discount offered in a previous Subscription Term does not apply for a renewal Subscription Term. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing caps on price increases shall not apply to renewals in which a Customer is transitioning from a month-to-month subscription to a longer subscription. c. Termination. Either Party may terminate this Agreement and/or any Order Form by providing written notice to the other Party in the event the other Party materially breaches any of its duties, obligations or responsibilities under this Agreement and fails to: (i) cure such breach within thirty (30) days after receipt by the breaching Party of written notice specifying the breach, or (ii) if the breaching Party is incapable of curing such breach within thirty (30) days, provide the other Party with an acceptable plan for curing such breach within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice and thereafter curing such breach in accordance with such plan. In addition, a Party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other Party if there are no Order Forms in effect for more than thirty (30) days, continuously.d. Effect of Termination. Expiration or termination of one Order Form shall not affect any other Order Form. In the event of termination of this Agreement, Customer shall cease all use of the Services. e. Surviving Provisions. The following provisions shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason and shall remain in effect after any such termination or expiration: Sections 1, 3, 4, 6, 7(d), 8, 9, 10(d), 10(e), 11, and the Platform Guidelines. Termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not affect any obligation accrued or arising prior to such termination or expiration.

‍11. Miscellaneous

a. Relationship. This Agreement does not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, fiduciary or employment relationship between the Parties, and AI Wize will be considered an independent contractor when performing any Services hereunder. b. Entire Understanding. This Agreement (including the DPA (if applicable), the Platform Guidelines, the Information Security Requirements, and Order Forms, which are incorporated herein by reference) constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties as to its subject matter and supersedes all prior proposals, marketing materials, negotiations, and other written or oral communications between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. To the extent of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions in the body of this Agreement and any Order Form, the terms of such Order Form shall prevail. Notwithstanding any language to the contrary therein, all terms and conditions stated in any Customer purchase order or in any other ordering documentation (excluding Order Forms) are hereby rejected. Such terms will not be deemed incorporated into or form any part of this Agreement, and all such terms or conditions are null and void. c. Modification; Waiver. Except for AI Wize’s modification or update of the Documentation or the Service, or any policies as necessary to comply with applicable law, rules, and regulations, no modification of this Agreement, and no waiver of any breach of this Agreement or right under this Agreement, is legally binding against the other Party unless in writing and signed or electronically accepted by both Parties. d. Governing Law; Venue. The parties hereto agree that any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation, or validity hereof or thereof, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this Agreement to arbitrate, shall be determined by final and binding arbitration in Austin, Texas (except for an action for interim equitable relief otherwise permitted under this Agreement and/or unless otherwise agreed by the parties), before a sole arbitrator, in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS (or its successor) pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures; provided, however, if the Parties mutually elect, the arbitration can be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures instead of its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures. The arbitrator’s decision shall be reduced to writing, signed by the arbitrator, and mailed to each of the parties and their legal counsel. All decisions of the arbitrator shall be final and binding. The arbitrator or a court of appropriate jurisdiction may issue a writ of execution to enforce the arbitrator’s judgment. Judgment may be entered upon such a decision in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The Parties will pay their own costs (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees) and expenses in connection with such arbitration.e. Assignment. Neither Party may assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior express written consent of the other Party, which consent (1) may not be unreasonably withheld, and (2) will be deemed to have been given if the other Party fails to respond to the requesting Party’s written notice of intent to assign within fourteen (14) days of receipt of such notice; provided, however, a Party may assign this Agreement in its entirety, together with all rights and obligations hereunder, without consent of the other Party, in connection with a merger, acquisition, corporate reorganization, or sale of all or substantially all of its assets related to this Agreement. Any attempt by a Party to assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement in breach of this section shall be void and of no effect. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the Parties, their respective successors and permitted assigns.f. Notices. Except for notification methods expressly permitted under the Platform Guidelines, all notices, requests, consents, claims, demands, waivers, and other communications hereunder (each, a “Notice”) must be in writing and addressed to the Parties at the addresses set forth on the first page of this Agreement (or to such other address that may be designated by the Party giving Notice from time to time in accordance with this Section). All Notices must be delivered by personal delivery, nationally recognized overnight courier (with all fees pre-paid), facsimile, or email (with confirmation of transmission), or certified or registered mail (in each case, return receipt requested, postage pre-paid). Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a Notice is effective only: (i) upon receipt by the receiving Party, and (ii) if the Party giving the Notice has complied with the requirements of this Section.g. Anti-Corruption. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it has not received or been offered any illegal bribe, kickback, payment, gift, or thing of value from any AI Wize employees, agent or representative in connection with this Agreement, other than reasonable gifts and entertainment provided in the ordinary course of business. Customer will promptly notify AI Wize if it offers or receives any such improper payment or transfer in connection with this Agreement.h. Force Majeure. Except for the performance of a payment obligation, neither Party shall be liable under this Agreement for delays, failures to perform, damages, losses or destruction, or malfunction of any equipment, or any consequence thereof, caused or occasioned by, or due to fire, earthquake, flood, water, the elements, labor disputes or shortages, utility curtailments, power failures, explosions, civil disturbances, governmental actions, epidemics, shortages of equipment or supplies, unavailability of transportation, acts or omissions of third parties, or any other cause beyond its reasonable control. In the event any of the foregoing events results in AI Wize not being able to provide the Services for a period of more than thirty (30) days, then either Party may terminate the Agreement upon written notice to the other Party.i. Export Control. The Service and related technical data and services (collectively, "Controlled Technology") may be subject to the import and export laws of the United States, specifically the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and the laws of any country where Controlled Technology is imported or re-exported. Customer agrees to comply with all applicable export and re-export control laws and regulations and will not export or re-export any Controlled Technology in contravention to U.S. law, nor to any prohibited country, entity, or person for which an export license or other governmental approval is required. All Controlled Technology is generally prohibited for export or re-export to Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Sudan, and any other country subject to relevant trade sanctions. j. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, the provision shall be modified by the court and interpreted so as best to accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent permitted by law, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect.