Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Berkeley, California, a young visionary named Ed Ow embarked on a journey to revolutionize the world of technology. As a UC Berkeley graduate with a degree in Economics and a strong background in Business Development, Ed had always been driven to make a difference. From his early days as a Business Development Manager at Robotex to co-founding a startup called Audividi, Ed’s entrepreneurial spirit was evident.
In 2014, Ed assembled a humble team of UC Berkeley students and graduates to create Fulldive, a virtual reality startup. Their first VR app took the world by storm, amassing 5 million downloads within the first three months and quickly becoming a top VR app.
Ed's leadership and innovative thinking played a vital role in Fulldive's success. As CEO, he guided the company through various stages of development, from fundraising and product development to growth and expansion. His experience in driving strategic partnerships and his ability to identify market trends and opportunities proved invaluable to the team.
As Fulldive continued to make waves in the industry, Ed and his team realized that their potential reached far beyond the realm of virtual reality. Driven by a desire to innovate, they diversified their expertise to explore browser search algorithms, blockchain technology, and consultancy services.
Throughout their journey, a new vision began to emerge. Ed recognized the power of artificial intelligence to not only improve technology but to touch the lives of people around the world. With this in mind, they shifted their focus and created Wize, a suite of AI solutions designed to bring wisdom and care to every customer interaction.
Rebranding as AI Wize, Ed and his team dedicated themselves to building AI solutions that prioritize customer needs, privacy, and security. Their mission is to create a Wise AI that listens, understands, and empowers its users across a multitude of fields.
Today, AI Wize stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, innovation, and wisdom. With their new website, AIWize.com, they invite you to join them on this exciting journey as they strive to make the world a wiser, more connected place. From humble beginnings to groundbreaking success, AI Wize is a shining example of the limitless potential of human ingenuity and the transformative power of technology.
At AI Wize, we envision a world where
technology empowers and enhances the lives of every
We strive to create cutting-edge AI solutions
that simplify, optimize, and enrich our users' digital experiences,
transcending boundaries and expectations.
Our mission is to deliver innovative AI
products that revolutionize the way people interact with their digital
We aim to provide seamless, user-friendly
experiences in browsing, gaming, security, and privacy by harnessing the
power of artificial intelligence and transformative technologies.
Our goal is to become the global leader in
AI-driven solutions, shaping the future of digital experiences and
setting new industry standards.
We are committed to creating
products that positively impact people's lives, cultivate
connections, and promote a secure, private, and enjoyable digital world
for all.
Our comprehensive FAQ section addresses all your inquiries about Wize Auto AI and its features.
Try Wize FreeOur dashboard harnesses AI to automate each step of your workflow. From selecting templates, inputting requirements, generating, to revising content, all seamlessly tied together. One click completes your work with AI.
Yes! WIZE Auto AI generates 99.99% original content that passes plagiarism tests. Plus, we built a plagiarism checker right into WIZE Docs using the best scanner, Copyscape. Try it out for yourself!
We prioritize your data security. All your information and created content on Wize Auto AI are securely stored and protected in accordance with top industry standards.
Wize Auto AI can read and write in over 29 languages by translating using DeepL. When it comes to languages, Wize Auto AI is a polyglot! We can read and write in over 29 languages using DeepL translation's power.
You get a 7-day free trial to see if AI Wize is right for you. If you decide to continue, you'll be put on the plan you selected at sign-up. But don't worry, you can always change your plan or cancel if your content needs shift.